Friday, it was a beautiful day. Jacko and a friend had done a job this past week that they decided to take the money from that ad have an asado after work on Friday. We had Mario, his wife Francine and a few other friends over and had a great time. It was beautiful out.
Satuday Jacko had to work somewhere and we got some house work done, Jacko got home at about 5 and we were going to go to a BBQ that night. I was making food for the BBQ and Jacko decided to have a snack before going. Manuk was sitting on Jacko's lap, happy to have his daddy home, and in 1 second, grabbed the knife Jacko had and sliced his finger. We made our first trip to the emergancy room and left with Manuk getting 3 stiches. If was a tramautic day for all of us. Manuk was so good and I was so glad it happened while Jacko was home, because he is so calm, I was glad to have him there. We got home from the hospital, ate the appetizers I had made for the BBQ and went to bed.
Well, Sunday was a beautiful day here. We woke up and went to my parents for brunch and then spet the afternoon gardening. Manuk loved the wheel barrow and playing in the dirt. His finger was wrapped really good so as long as he didn't get it wet, he could play in the mud.
Today is Monday and it was great to have Jacko home today as well. We did some house work, getting ready for our garage sale and getting ready for Betty to come.
All in all, more excitment than planned but a good weekend.
(except for the fact that Manuk just pulled 3 keys off my keyboard, so I still can't figure out how to get the "N" key back on, which is making typing a long process.
Hope everyone had a good weekend.