although I'm not sure he likes peas after apples. It doesn't seem like it, lol. The cute bib he is wearing is fom Kyle and Tiff. They got him a bib, bowl, spoon and sippy cup set. Very cute.
Monday night we had diner at Kyle and Tiffanies house. It was awesome to see them and get to see their place. They have done their house up so nice. It is so nice and so them. I was great to catch up as well, life gets too busy and the easiest people to put off seeing are usually our family so it was great that we could hang out and catch up on life. We are going to have to make a point of doing it more often. Thanks guys.
Manuk also met, Patigra (I don't know how you spell it) and that was an interesting introduction for both Manuk, who kept going ooo, oooo and Patigra who wasn't too sure what to think.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Food here and food there
Monday, February 25, 2008
Crawling - in reverse
Well, Manuk has learnt to crawl, in reverse. It's pretty funny to watch but it means you have to have your eyes on him 24/7. It is funny though because he'll be on the floor with us in the living room and before you know it, he has maneuvered himself underneath the play pen. Also, he usually sits on the kitchen floor while I work and bake and now he scoots all over the place. Well, life is going to get interesting. I am going to have to crawl over my whole house and reorganize things so that they are out of Manuk reach. Yup, life is going to be crazier and crazier. But, how fun !!!!! It is crazy to see how fast kids grow.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wonderful anniversary
Man, is life so busy that Jacko and I both forgot our anniversary? The answer is YES !!! I got home after running to the gym and Jacko said that mom called to wish us a happy anniversary. I can't believe I forgot. I always remember, so I said that our nice salmon dinner that we had was an anniversary dinner, lol. We are going to celebrate a day late and do it tomorrow. What a testiment to letting life get so busy that you forget important thing. Thanks for the reminder mom, I can't believe we forgot. At least we are lucky enough to have two anniversarys.
What a cutie
Meetings with mom's
I seem to underestimate how important it is to meet with other moms. I know that everyone talks to their own mom, and I am not deminishing that in any way, but it is so uplifting to meet with other moms close to your own age or in the same stage of motherhood as you. I just got back from tea with a mom friend of mine and it was so great just to talk about our experiences, she has three now, and talk about how life changes. It is great also because, I don't know about you, but I had so many ideals and thoughts on how I was going to raise my child and then you get pregnant and have a baby and have to throw a lot of those out the window, not because they aren't good ideas but because they just don't work for you or your baby. It was so great to talk about how important adaptability is in a mothers life and how there's no point getting used to a routine because they change all the time. It was so great to sit down with another mom (over cookies of course) and just talk about life as a mother. I have now done that with a few mom friends and feel so refreshed and recharged after each time. It is a reminder to do it more often.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Off to Hawaii
Well, Manuk and I just got back from taking mom and dad to the airport. They are off to Hawaii for a vacation. I am so happy for them. Hope you guys have a great trip. We'll see you in a few weeks.
What a nice day yesterday was and even thought we had a bit of a blizzard this morning, it really is beautiful as well. The sun has lightened my spirits and the weather yesterday was enough to get us out of the house for a bit and just be outside. Bring on more spring like temperatures.
Friday, February 15, 2008
It's amazing what a epson salt bath, a toblerone chocolate bar and a great book for an hour can do for the soul.
There's a first time for everything
Well, I have decided to start a blog. I wasn't sure if I was going to like doing this but I do enjoy reading everyone else's and figured this might be a good way for me to keep in touch with everyone,get things off my chest and have a little adult conversation, even if only with myself.
Life as a mother. Life sure has changed. I do love being a mom and love Manuk. He is so fun to hang out with. I do find it tough though trying to be a mom, wife and employee. I know, waa waa waa. Women all over the world do it and you don't hear them complaining right? Well, I'm not exactly complaining. Just venting about the lack of hours in a day and some days, lack of patience. How do I wake up before Manuk to get work done and next thing I know, Jacko is getting home from work and I still have work to do, dinner to make, a house to clean, a crying baby and yet another diaper to change? I don't know. But as the days go by, I am trying to figure out how to manage my time more wisely, be more patient and figure out how to make a great dinner when the freezer is full of hotdogs. LOL
Manuk is getting closer and closer to saying Ma Ma every day, yes, sometime it's "ba ma ga". Sometime "ba ba", or gum smacking and then a "Ma" slips out but when he does get a "Ma" out and I repeat it, he smiles this huge smile that makes me forget about the pile of dishes in my sink, hotdog supper and 20 emails in my "in box" that need addressing.
So what is blog sttiquit for ending a post? Do I say "bye, talk to you soon" or nothing at all?
Well. I will figure it out next time.
Life as a mother. Life sure has changed. I do love being a mom and love Manuk. He is so fun to hang out with. I do find it tough though trying to be a mom, wife and employee. I know, waa waa waa. Women all over the world do it and you don't hear them complaining right? Well, I'm not exactly complaining. Just venting about the lack of hours in a day and some days, lack of patience. How do I wake up before Manuk to get work done and next thing I know, Jacko is getting home from work and I still have work to do, dinner to make, a house to clean, a crying baby and yet another diaper to change? I don't know. But as the days go by, I am trying to figure out how to manage my time more wisely, be more patient and figure out how to make a great dinner when the freezer is full of hotdogs. LOL
Manuk is getting closer and closer to saying Ma Ma every day, yes, sometime it's "ba ma ga". Sometime "ba ba", or gum smacking and then a "Ma" slips out but when he does get a "Ma" out and I repeat it, he smiles this huge smile that makes me forget about the pile of dishes in my sink, hotdog supper and 20 emails in my "in box" that need addressing.
So what is blog sttiquit for ending a post? Do I say "bye, talk to you soon" or nothing at all?
Well. I will figure it out next time.
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